Denise Obrecht Samson, mother of Baucis denounces: «Fernando Puga Matte and Manuel García, who present themselves as administrators of that condominium, hired Bau’s murderer, Francisco Javier Jara Jarpa. And Peter Hill Planella, owner of a house in the condominium, allegedly lent him his shotgun. They were presented as supposed ‘gardeners’, but in reality they have criminal records and were there to prevent free access to the beach to people who were not from the condominium. They made a perimeter fence with barbed wire, and the neighbor at the other end, Gerardo Martí, maintained electrified fences that went into the lake. They didn’t care that people and animals could get hurt or electrocuted. I personally heard Martí say that he would kill ten Mapuche if they removed the fences from the shore…